Money Management
The Money Management Program is offered free of charge and assists seniors and individuals with disabilities with managing their household finances. This can include sorting and organizing mail, preparing checks to pay bills, balancing their checkbooks, and establishing a workable budget. Program participants maintain control over their own finances in accordance with our mission to promote opportunities to live with dignity and independence, and to achieve the highest possible quality of life.
How Can I Receive Assistance From This Program?
Contact the Money Management Program at (413) 499-0524 to be screened for eligibility and to receive additional information.
Interested In Becoming A Money Management Volunteer?
By becoming an ESBCI Money Management Volunteer, you will provide critical support to seniors who find themselves unable to keep track of their finances due to impairment in manual dexterity, vision, or cognitive functioning. Volunteers develop a meaningful partnership with program participants and can have a life-changing impact in as little as two hours a month.