Information & Referral

The Information and Referral (I&R) Department is a comprehensive information resource for questions about home care services, public benefits, housing options, transportation, nutrition, and much more. After assessing a caller’s needs, knowledgeable I&R Specialists access their large resource database to help connect people with the appropriate information, services, and agencies to address their specific issues and concerns.

To Contact I&R Call:

(800) 544-5242 (in state)

(413) 499-0524

(413) 499-9764 TTY

Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM or

Programs And Services

SHINE/Serving Health Insurance Needs of EveryoneThe SHINE program provides free, unbiased and up-to-date health insurance information, counseling and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries of all ages and their caregivers.

Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC) Berkshire’s Aging and Disability Resource Consortium.
MA Family Caregiver Support Program Elder Services has support groups and respite services for caregivers.
Clinical Assessment & Eligibility Department (CAE) Medicaid recipients twenty-two years of age and older seeking admission to a nursing home must be medically approved (screened) by the CAE Department at Elder Services of Berkshire County.
Options Counseling We assist individuals in need of long-term care services to make informed choices about the services and settings that best meet their needs.
Money Management Trained, insured, and supervised volunteers are matched one-on-one with elders needing assistance with managing household finances.
Nursing Home Ombudsman Elder Services Ombudsman Program oversees 13 nursing homes in Berkshire County. Our state certified volunteers visit each facility once a week.
Nutrition Program The nutrition program includes: Home Delivered Meals, Emergency Meals and Senior Dining Centers that provide well-balanced and nutritious hot lunches at numerous locations in Berkshire County. All programs have Registered Dietitian oversight.
Prescription Advantage A prescription drug insurance program for all Massachusetts residents age 65 and over and low-income individuals with disabilities under the age of 65.
Staying Home | Homecare Services In-home services including homemaker, personal care, laundry, meals, and adult day health, are determined by an in home eligibility assessment of impairment level and needs.
Subgrants With funding from Title III of the Older Americans Act, Elder Services offers a limited number of Subgrants to local organizations to fund services and workshops.
Enhanced Housing Programs Supportive Housing at Providence Court.  Crossway Village & Crossway Tower.
Volunteer Services Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? No matter how much time you have to offer, Elder Services has plenty of volunteer opportunities!

Information & Referral Inquiry

Elder Services’ Information and Referral Department (I&R) can connect you to many available resources to find help for aging family members or yourself. You can send us your request using this form. Or call (413) 499-0524 and ask for I&R.