Information & Referral
The Information and Referral (I&R) Department is a comprehensive information resource for questions about home care services, public benefits, housing options, transportation, nutrition, and much more. After assessing a caller’s needs, knowledgeable I&R Specialists access their large resource database to help connect people with the appropriate information, services, and agencies to address their specific issues and concerns.
To Contact I&R Call:
(800) 544-5242 (in state)
(413) 499-0524
(413) 499-9764 TTY
Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM or
Programs And Services
SHINE/Serving Health Insurance Needs of EveryoneThe SHINE program provides free, unbiased and up-to-date health insurance information, counseling and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries of all ages and their caregivers.
Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC) | Berkshire’s Aging and Disability Resource Consortium. |
MA Family Caregiver Support Program | Elder Services has support groups and respite services for caregivers. |
Clinical Assessment & Eligibility Department (CAE) | Medicaid recipients twenty-two years of age and older seeking admission to a nursing home must be medically approved (screened) by the CAE Department at Elder Services of Berkshire County. |
Options Counseling | We assist individuals in need of long-term care services to make informed choices about the services and settings that best meet their needs. |
Money Management | Trained, insured, and supervised volunteers are matched one-on-one with elders needing assistance with managing household finances. |
Nursing Home Ombudsman | Elder Services Ombudsman Program oversees 13 nursing homes in Berkshire County. Our state certified volunteers visit each facility once a week. |
Nutrition Program | The nutrition program includes: Home Delivered Meals, Emergency Meals and Senior Dining Centers that provide well-balanced and nutritious hot lunches at numerous locations in Berkshire County. All programs have Registered Dietitian oversight. |
Prescription Advantage | A prescription drug insurance program for all Massachusetts residents age 65 and over and low-income individuals with disabilities under the age of 65. |
Staying Home | Homecare Services | In-home services including homemaker, personal care, laundry, meals, and adult day health, are determined by an in home eligibility assessment of impairment level and needs. |
Subgrants | With funding from Title III of the Older Americans Act, Elder Services offers a limited number of Subgrants to local organizations to fund services and workshops. |
Enhanced Housing Programs | Supportive Housing at Providence Court. Crossway Village & Crossway Tower. |
Volunteer Services | Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? No matter how much time you have to offer, Elder Services has plenty of volunteer opportunities! |
Information & Referral Inquiry
Elder Services’ Information and Referral Department (I&R) can connect you to many available resources to find help for aging family members or yourself. You can send us your request using this form. Or call (413) 499-0524 and ask for I&R.